
Sew pencil skirt with lining. Step 5, how to interface the back vent extensions?

(See next step 6, how to sew the seam lines and the darts?)

(See previous step 4, how to baste the seam lines and the darts?)

First, cut out two 3 1/4 inches (8 cm) x 9 inches (23 cm) rectangles from the fusible interfacing. Please Note: Click on photo to see a larges size.
Please Note, skirt left back panel has underlap extension, and skirt right back panel has overlap extension.
Please Note, put one rectangle piece of fusible interfacing along basting stitches of overlap extension. Position the adhesive side of the fusible interfacing to the wrong side of the fabric.

Then press fusible interfacing piece, use moisture press cloth.

Please Note, put other rectangle piece of fusible interfacing along outer edge of underlap extension.
Then trim the overlap extension along fusible interfacing edge, as shown in the pictures below.

(See next step 6, how to sew the seam lines and the darts?)

(See previous step 4, how to baste the seam lines and the darts?)

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